Wednesday, August 6, 2008

American Billionaire Eyes Wind Energy Potential

Billionaire oil investor, Boone Pickens, told a crowd in the U.S. about his views on wind energy and the future of oil dependency.

With the capabilities of Technospin's low wind, high output turbine, more areas around the world become candidates for wind generated electricity.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Even China's 158 Wind Farms Not Enough

Efforts put in my China, India and Brazil to mass produce renewable energy proves useful but needed on a wider scale.

China's investment in 158 wind farms is a step in the right direction, but more low wind energy producing mills are needed.

TechnoSpin has developed a dynamic new rotor and turbine design to generate more electricity in lower wind areas.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

TechnoSpin's New Blog & Website

Hi all -- Welcome to TechnoSpin.

TechnoSpin has developed a revolutionary wind turbine boasting the highest possible performance today.